Penthouse Stars
Stunning Showcase of Beauty And Sensuality
Editors Choice
Penthouse Pets
Pets of The Year
Penthouse Stars
Bob Guccione
Playboy Playmates
Penthouse Stars
#passed away
Traci Topps
Penthouse Star, December 1991
Julia Hayes
Penthouse Star, October 1991
Bobbie Brown
Penthouse Star, August 1991
Dianne Moore
Penthouse Star, July 1991
Cindy Steele
Penthouse Star, March 1991
Nathalie Lions
Penthouse Star, February 1991
Shirley Cumpanas
Penthouse Star, December 1990
Kate Riches
Penthouse Star, October 1990
Joanne McVay
Penthouse Star, September 1990
Joelyn Lund
Penthouse Star, July 1990
Penthouse Star, July 1990
Penthouse Star, May 1990
Tally Chanel
Penthouse Star, May 1990
Leanna Somers
Penthouse Star, April 1990
Amy Kristensen
Penthouse Star, March 1990
Penthouse Star, February 1990
Bobbie Wallbank
Penthouse Star, January 1990
Penthouse Star, December 1989
Penthouse Star, November 1989
Miriam Hendricks
Penthouse Star, October 1989
Penthouse Star, September 1989
Claudia Kleiner
Penthouse Star, August 1989
Tiffany Stevens
Penthouse Star, July 1989
Margo Adams
Penthouse Star, May 1989
Pamela Self
Penthouse Star, April 1989
Samantha Townsend
Penthouse Star, March 1989
LeAndra Forrester
Penthouse Star, January 1989
Penthouse Star, December 1988
Melody Clair
Penthouse Star, December 1988
Misha Leigh Ganz
Penthouse Star, November 1988
Liza Greer
Penthouse Star, October 1988
Linda Dubbeldeman
Penthouse Star, September 1988
Melissa Morgan
Penthouse Star, September 1988
Michelle Wishon
Penthouse Star, August 1988
Jessica Jensen
Penthouse Star, July 1988
Kristen Kolby
Penthouse Star, June 1988
Susan Maack
Penthouse Star, May 1988
Dana Livingston
Penthouse Star, May 1988
Miranda Lee Morgan
Penthouse Star, April 1988
Penthouse Star, March 1988
Crissy Bo Bozlee
Penthouse Star, February 1988
Penthouse Star, November 1987
Penthouse Star, September 1987
Michelle Moore
Penthouse Star, August 1987
Laurie Gilbert
Penthouse Star, July 1987
Jamie Summers
Penthouse Star, March 1987
Sandra Estner
Penthouse Star, February 1987
Tammy Lane
Penthouse Star, January 1987
Linda Lou
Penthouse Star, December 1986
Lisa A
Penthouse Star, October 1986
Bonnie Valence
Penthouse Star, September 1986
Penthouse Star, July 1986
Adriana Boulyn
Penthouse Star, April 1986
Penthouse Star, January 1986
Isabelle Hermosa
Penthouse Star, December 1985
Anna Marie
Penthouse Star, October 1985
Charlie Dean
Penthouse Star, September 1985
Claudia Rungen
Penthouse Star, August 1985
Brook Morales
Penthouse Star, July 1985
Dru Diamond
Penthouse Star, July 1985
Penthouse Star, June 1985
Vicki Vickers
Penthouse Star, May 1985
Penthouse Star, April 1985
Tammi Benton
Penthouse Star, April 1985
Ginger Lynn
Penthouse Star, March 1985
Barbette Noelle
Penthouse Star, March 1985
Sondra Dickson
Penthouse Star, February 1985
Vanessa Williams
Penthouse Star, January 1985
Pipi Anderssen
Penthouse Star, January 1985
Jeanette Starion
Penthouse Star, November 1984
Rachel Ashley
Penthouse Star, November 1984
Hyapatia Lee
Penthouse Star, September 1984
Nancy Suiter
Penthouse Star, August 1984
Tessa Hewitt
Penthouse Star, June 1984
Teddie Treacher
Penthouse Star, June 1984
Erika Elson
Penthouse Star, June 1984
Tammi McAndrus
Penthouse Star, May 1984
Rita Flanders
Penthouse Star, May 1984
Donna Stevens
Penthouse Star, April 1984
Lynn Roberts
Penthouse Star, April 1984
Cara Richards
Penthouse Star, March 1984
Teri Jory
Penthouse Star, March 1984
Candice Starrek
Penthouse Star, February 1984
Heather Lynn
Penthouse Star, February 1984
Nina Lee
Penthouse Star, January 1984
Julia Parton
Penthouse Star, November 1983
Penthouse Star, October 1983
Penthouse Star, July 1983
Paula Warnick
Penthouse Star, June 1983
Bernadette Farrar
Penthouse Star, May 1983
Rebecca De Burghmound
Penthouse Star, April 1983
Francis McAmish
Penthouse Star, April 1983
Penthouse Star, April 1983
Suzie Farrell
Penthouse Star, March 1983
Danielle Martin
Penthouse Star, February 1983
Monika Schebesta
Penthouse Star, January 1983
Ingrid Angstrom
Penthouse Star, December 1982
Carol Simpson
Penthouse Star, October 1982
Cami O'Connor
Penthouse Star, July 1982
Tara Johnson
Penthouse Star, May 1982
Rorie Fay
Penthouse Star, May 1982
Penthouse Star, April 1982
Carla Russell
Penthouse Star, March 1982
Gabrielle Sagan
Penthouse Star, December 1981
Janet Marie
Penthouse Star, October 1981
Barbara Schaefer
Penthouse Star, August 1981
Jennifer Patterson
Penthouse Star, August 1981
Candice Bell
Penthouse Star, July 1981
Sally Hunter
Penthouse Star, April 1981
Ali Laker
Penthouse Star, March 1981
Shawn Carney
Penthouse Star, February 1981
Cece Capella
Penthouse Star, January 1981
Sondra Lambrey
Penthouse Star, September 1980
Ursula Obermoser
Penthouse Star, August 1980
Karen Brennan
Penthouse Star, August 1980
Loni Sanders
Penthouse Star, June 1980
Sharon Sorrentino
Penthouse Star, June 1980
Valerie Lauren
Penthouse Star, March 1980
Helle Kjaer
Penthouse Star, February 1980
Carol Ann Wilken
Penthouse Star, October 1979
Sally Whitstable
Penthouse Star, August 1979
Jeannie Anderson
Penthouse Star, June 1979
Marianne Walters
Penthouse Star, May 1979
Ginger Barton
Penthouse Star, April 1979
Jeannie Butler
Penthouse Star, April 1979
Penthouse Star, March 1979
Natalia Farris
Penthouse Star, February 1979
Julie Young
Penthouse Star, December 1978
Sami Mitcheltree
Penthouse Star, August 1978
Dixie Ann
Penthouse Star, August 1978
Penthouse Star, July 1978
Debbie Adams
Penthouse Star, July 1978
Tracy Gordon
Penthouse Star, June 1978
Hilary Corona
Penthouse Star, June 1978
Debi Evans
Penthouse Star, May 1978
Juliene Schuster
Penthouse Star, May 1978
Brie Phillips
Penthouse Star, May 1978
Penthouse Star, April 1978
Teri Christiansen
Penthouse Star, April 1978
Linda Belle Keller
Penthouse Star, March 1978
Millicent Ann Palmer
Penthouse Star, February 1978
Celine Demy
Penthouse Star, January 1978
Lonnie Westin
Penthouse Star, January 1978
Dina Ferraro
Penthouse Star, December 1977
Penthouse Star, October 1977
Diana Rose Hardy
Penthouse Star, September 1977
Rebecca Davenport
Penthouse Star, August 1977
Jasmine Elliott
Penthouse Star, August 1977
Tootsie Larolle
Penthouse Star, July 1977
Cynthia Miles
Penthouse Star, July 1977
Lynn Donahue
Penthouse Star, July 1977
Penthouse Star, May 1977
Susan Johnson
Penthouse Star, April 1977
Donna Simpson
Penthouse Star, April 1977
Jeri Lee
Penthouse Star, January 1977
Molly McCreading
Penthouse Star, December 1976
Joni Flynn
Penthouse Star, October 1976
Derna Wylde
Penthouse Star, September 1976
Sienna Welles
Penthouse Star, September 1976
Rhiana Post
Penthouse Star, August 1976
Colleen Carney
Penthouse Star, August 1976
Chelsea Eriksen
Penthouse Star, June 1976
Georgina Crown
Penthouse Star, April 1976
Amber K Marie
Penthouse Star, February 1976
Eva Carson
Penthouse Star, January 1976
Melanie Sutherland
Penthouse Star, October 1975
Lisa Gomez
Penthouse Star, September 1975
Cecilia Stanley
Penthouse Star, July 1975
Lori Wagner
Penthouse Star, May 1975
Pia Sorensen
Penthouse Star, April 1975
Judy Clayton
Penthouse Star, April 1975
Jennifer Welch
Penthouse Star, January 1975
Anette Kirkwood
Penthouse Star, January 1975
Penthouse Star, December 1974
Jane Sommers
Penthouse Star, November 1974
Lavinia Douglas
Penthouse Star, November 1974
Karen Dermer
Penthouse Star, October 1974
Penthouse Star, September 1974
Kathy Moore
Penthouse Star, August 1974
Carole Cameron
Penthouse Star, July 1974
Brigitte Maier
Penthouse Star, July 1974
Deborah Clearbranch
Penthouse Star, June 1974
Shawn Day
Penthouse Star, May 1974
Jessica Len
Penthouse Star, May 1974
Elaine Lowny
Penthouse Star, April 1974
Sarah Crutchfield
Penthouse Star, March 1974
Paula Kite
Penthouse Star, January 1974
Tracy Sullivan
Penthouse Star, December 1973
Helga Schiller
Penthouse Star, December 1973
Penthouse Star, November 1973
Penthouse Star, October 1973
Anne Kaurin
Penthouse Star, August 1973
Gayle Davis
Penthouse Star, July 1973
Mikki Dessa
Penthouse Star, July 1973
Linda Diane
Penthouse Star, May 1973
Beth Williams
Penthouse Star, May 1973
Joanna Danielli
Penthouse Star, April 1973
Penthouse Star, March 1973
Monica Hill
Penthouse Star, March 1973
Carla Cassidy
Penthouse Star, February 1973